Currency and Exchange Rates

When travelling abroad, it is important to understand the currencies accepted in your destination to avoid problems when shopping or paying for bills.

The local currency in Dubai is the dirham abbreviated as DHS or DH also commonly called Arab Emirate Dirham or AED.  One Dirham is divided into 100 fils.  Notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 dirhams.

Exchange Rates:
1DHS = 13PHP
1US$ = 3.67DHS

Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in malls and big stores. However, before leaving Philippines it is best to consult your local bank to activate your card for use outside the country. Some tourists have difficulty getting cash after arriving in Dubai and realizing that their cards are not working due to their local bank policy.

Some stores will accept US dollar, Euro or UK Pounds, there are money exchange all over Dubai with 24/7 money exchange located in the airports.  Passport is required when exchanging money.

However, before leaving Dubai, it is best to exchange your dirhams to US$ to get a better exchange rate at home.

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